I never want to leave the house, ever again. 7:14 a.m. 07.14.2002
So, I�m the loyal ever-loving cocker spaniel. Yes, that�s right, the one that usually gets kicked. I�m okay with this, or to put it more accurately, I used to be okay with this. Oddly enough, however, my own special brand of self loathing lately has led to an unusual stance about this whole kicking issue.

That being, I rather don�t like it.

And while I�m on the subject of things I don�t like, I�d like to state my dislike for strip clubs. Not on any such bullshit as �moral� or �ethical� grounds, or any such ridiculous things, but just because it reminds me of just how fucked up and shallow we, as a species, really are.

Don�t get me wrong, I can be shallow, I can, it�s true! I can even be *gasp*... fucked up. I mean, I�ve even been known to enjoy a lap dance in my shady past. Can you believe it? Of course you can, I�m a straight male American that used to enjoy a rather normal sex drive. Yes, that sex drive that whispered �Nail everything that moves�. I think that whispering voice was a chain smoker at some point, which I was unaware of, and has sense lost all ability to whisper. Or maybe the voice just got irritated that I always ignored it (for the most part, honest!) and went on vacation till my mid-thirties (probably vacationing with my �desire for a sports car�, living it up on some beach until their triumphant return).

All I�m saying is, I�m so completely un-impressed. Yes, some of these women are quite attractive, physically speaking, but I still cannot fathom having any sort of sexual relations with them (the entire point of a strip club) unless there was some sort of emotional/intellectual attraction.

Man, I make a mess of this whole �red blooded American male� role, don�t I? I mean, I do pretty good at it for awhile but I always lose it somewhere around the whole �Treat them like shit� and �Pretend you don�t care until they are about to dump you, and then toss them a token labeled �care�� scenes. I mean, I�ve seen how effective this is for keeping people around, it�s a standard script and all, but I just can�t quite pull it off.

No, I�m pretty sure practice isn�t what I need.

So to bring a close to the strip club issue, maybe it�s not so much as I hate them, as I�m just mainly bored with them. I still think they serve a purpose and can be fun given the proper circumstances (usually requiring a lot of alcohol and a quirky sense of fun between yourself and a significant other... (that makes no sense, I realize this. Just nod... good, now smile... now nod and smile... perfect!))

Continuing this whole trend of things I�m not particularly fond of... I�m not fond of this anomic frustration. Yes, I believe I�m quite tired of staring into the nihilistic void. Er... rather, I�m quite tired of it staring at me.

Oh yeah, cream of wheat. Now tell me... What. The. Fuck. Come on people, it�s gross!!

Now, on to more pressing matters. I�m 27 years old, now what?

Tell me, how can people stand to read so many diaries that say basically the same thing? (Relationships suck, I�m lonely, I don�t know what to do with my life, Cream of wheat is gross, etc.) I mean, really. I just spent a good 45 minutes surfing random diaries and they all had, basically, the same shit. Relationships do often suck. You are often lonely. You don�t really know what to do with your life/if you made the right choice. And you certainly can�t enjoy the snot like substance � Cream of Wheat. Why are we compelled to read about other people who so obviously feel the same?

Oh yes, now I remember. Because we are all uniquely insane and that insanity manifests itself in sometimes amusing and compelling ways.

My digital camera has taken a total of 27,500 pictures. Yes, I just took that 27,500th picture. Yes, it was of my penis. No, I won�t post it. In the years that I (my company) has owned this camera, I�ve never taken an obligatory picture of my penis, this simply could not be.

I agree, I�m thinking sleep might be a good idea in this instance. Good suggestion.

Bats and belfries,
