Hey there dead man.. 2:05 p.m. 09.05.2002
FooK! Er.. Vegas weather vexes me, no seriously. How long have I wanted some clouds? About a year now. Now I�m thinking �Cool, I need sunshine tomorrow, good thing I live in Vegas, the land of NO CLOUDS.� Riiight.

A big ..!.. 0.o ..!.. to you mother nature! And what makes it even worse is the fact that I cannot enjoy the clouds because the clouds prevent what I was going to do! But that�s okay, I�m a smart cookie and can even be clever now and then, if you can believe it. So I�ve circumvented my need for the clouds. But I still glare at them dubiously.

I�m certain the sun will come out any minute now.

Oh and I actually slept 6 hours last night!!! And this without the aid of drugs or alcohol. This is a good thing!

Hrm, I�ve had a strange desire, I think I�d actually like to photograph and honest to god human this weekend. Oh, don�t get me wrong, I�m still going to do my photo essay on solitude but I think it�d be cool to shoot a person this weekend. I should start making phone calls and see if anyone is available for some good ole� fashioned quasi-goth photography. I think this desire comes from shooting casino supplies the last few days. I mean, you can only get so much drama and impact from a fuckin� poker chip. However, I did take a mighty cool picture of a dice cup. I�ll post it later so all can be in awe of my dice cup photography skills. Oh oh and maybe even the chip carousel! That one is quite nifty too. I mean, not as nifty as a bunch of evil looking bunnies tearing down a cross or anything like that, but still.

Pai gow and self adhesive stamps,
