Ambien = The suck. 6:03 a.m. 04.08.2003
It�s amazing, really. My insomnia is > then Ambien.

Hah! Take THAT, bloated pharmaceutical companies!

I�m awake, it just seems like my eyes are crossed and movement is sluggish. I�ve laid in bed for 3 hours in the dark because I figured I�ll go to sleep eventually. It�s an interesting thing to note, however, when I stayed over at a quasi-ex�s place last Friday because she was having a rough time, mentally, I woke up like 6 times throughout the night but was always able to get back to sleep.

I think my sense of obligation in not disturbing the person I�m sleeping with is greater then my insomnia. That and, well.. snuggling rules.

But hey, I�m going to.. uh.. work, I think. It�s of magnitude better then sulking around my bedroom feeling sorry for myself for being so pathetically exhausted!

I didn�t do anything tonight and it was fucking awesome. Just GREAT. A night at home. I even cooked dinner! It kinda sucked, wasn�t too hip on the recipe. It was new. Some Brazilian chicken thing that just wasn�t all that great. But hey, it�s cool to fuck up when cooking for myself. Gets the shitty recipes out of the way so when I actually cook for someone else, I can only hit the good ones.

Oh well�
