YAY/NAY! 8:01 a.m. 11.28.2006
Funny thing, married life. It�s as if people think it�s the absolute best thing that can ever happen or the absolute worst. Seriously, I get asked all the time how married life is �treating me�, on one hand, certain people expect me to tell them how great and wonderful it is, like fire works going off all the time and flowers blooming and all that shit. The other group expect death, decay, ruin, etc..

Uhm.. what the fuck is wrong with people? Seriously. Nothing has changed.

Okay, I lied, the one major thing that has changed is we are no longer consumed with the planning for my big fat Jewish wedding. That�s a relatively significant change, for sure, but that has nothing to do with the relationship.

I dunno, people are bizarre. We�re are some crazy fucking monkeys.
