Sandland 11:14 a.m. 11.06.2007
You�re the night, Lilah.

My first night in the Dubai apartment successfully spent. Sort of. The construction site outside my window burns with white mercury brightness, turning the bedroom into perpetual daytime. My brain, so nervous of oversleeping, wakes up in a start almost hourly, thinking dawn came and went, and I�m late.

Get blinds, you say!... Well, I�m on it god damn it! It took a long time to build Rome, too, damnit.

Also, the only thing in my house right now is two assorted bottles of small batch bourbon, a bottle of vodka, gin, and scotch. Oh and a fridge full of beer. Seriously, nothing else. This is due to my trips through duty free. The only source for packaged booze available to me. In three months time I�ll be able to apply for a drinking license. The application wants my superior�s permission and acceptance that I�m a heathen.

I�m sure he�s just fine with it.

But I have no water. No groceries of any kind. I have some mints. Grocery shopping via taxi is retarded but necessary and I haven�t taken the time. The cotton mouth I�m experiencing at the moment is entirely my fault. I think scotch will help, don�t you?

Ah the expats life. Listening to Morphine, drinking scotch, and whining about the traffic.

Seriously, the traffic is fucking ridiculous. Trained monkeys WOULD do a better job, honestly. It took an hour and a half to catch a cab after my meeting today. That ROCKS. Big fan. Awesome! Can�t wait to do it tomorrow!

I�m finding new and curious ways to justify going to Abu Dhabi on business. Gives me an excuse to rent a car and do some grocery shopping!

Yay, sandland.
