This world is going to have to pay. 11:39 p.m. 2002-03-26
I lied, the next time I sit down to write, it'll be about that other stuff. Right now, I want to comment on the death of my entire neighborhood. Well, excluding Grandma. About, oh, two hours ago? Something like that... I was awaken by the sound of a child screaming. A small child, at that. I stumbled, dizzily, into the living room, wondering what in the fuck is going on outside. So I ask G-ma, she turns down her blaring TV to hear this bang... bang... bang... followed by the screaming. She gets all excited, thinking that the people behind us are killing their kids or some shit. Now, I don't care if they were, I was more upset at the time they were taking to off the little fuckers. And in such a noisy fashion. So, bleary eyed, I slink around trying to figure out if they are going to finish torturing the bastards so I can get to sleep or not, and it stops. Yay! I rush back in, side of my face still hurting, and jump back into bed with child like giddiness. Exactly 10 min later, a car sits RIGHT OUTSIDE my window revving their engine. Awake, yet again, I have delirious fantasies of the engine exploding and fragments ripping through the flesh of the moron(s) inside the car. They then leave about 20 feet of rubber as they tear off down the street, setting off my car alarm. Fucker. So I have to get out of bed yet again. At this point, people need to die. I take a Vicodin to see if that'll control my now pounding headache/toothache/faceache, and get back into bed, again. This time though, I have about 3 lbs. of cotton stuffed into each ear. I can't hear shit now, right? Wrong. It sounded like a god damned fiesta erupted outside my window. So I just laid there thinking that happiness equated to fully automatic machine gun fire. I want the streets to flow with their blood. I want to incinerate the entire damn area. They all must die. So now I'm going to go shave, shower, and go to work, cranky as hell.

Dentists and belt fed machine guns,
