Fuck you, easter bunny. 12:28 p.m. 2002-03-30
I hate people. Considering the line of work I'm attempting to enter, that's a pretty big problem. Today, while driving home from work, some asshole ran me off the road, as in, I was forced to drive on the shoulder or crash into his fool ass. Naturally, I honked. It was a short 'Hey, there is actually a car here' honk, nothing obnoxious. What did he do? He took the time to roll down his window and give me the bird. Okay, my life was the one in danger because of his shit ass driving. It's not like I cut him off, or even laid down on the horn like those old people. It was a short honk so he realized he had ran someone off the road. And so what if it was sort of a moot point because I was already off the road. The point still stood that he should be made aware that his lack of attention forced some poor schmuck (me) off the road.

Seriously, if I had a gun with me, I would have shot his wife in the face. Just to prove a point. Lesson of the day, don't flip people off when you're the one who fucked up, mmmkay? Thanks.

Other then that, things are going sort of okay. The Suncoast (where I am currently employed) has further proved that they are an evil evil place. They fired an excellent employee for something that he could NOT have done anything about.

David Ross, you're an evil man. It's almost a pity there is no hell, I'd love nothing more then to see you suffer for eternity. Fuck you.

You know what really sucks? I've never had a job where I laughed so much and had so much fun. I have the respect of the people I work closely with, and I actually enjoy my work. It's too bad I'll likely get fired some day by Mr. Megalomaniac. Oh well.

And in honor of Easter Sunday, enjoy.....

This image is Copyrighted, Garald Todd 2001

Misanthropy and Easter Eggs,


P.S. Paul, god damnit, we're going out Sunday or Monday night if I have to kill the little freak who prevents us from going out. Jessica stared at me last night. With this goofy smirk on her face, it didn't belong. She was judging me for something I dreamed. Little does she know, I've dreamed of the fall of mankind and the death of everything our house of cards is founded on. Like a fling with a cocktail waitress is anything to judge me by. She and I really need to talk, damnit.