- 11:16 a.m. 2002-03-23
Was an interesting night at the bar. Had a girl show me her clit ring. Was pretty cool. And a couple of women who'd flash their breasts everytime I brought them a cocktail, they even tipped too! I had a guy who couldn't stop laughing, and a girl who couldn't stop crying (unrelated). It was high comedy all around. This group of guys that come in often even got some old homeless looking fellow thrown out by convincing him to flick matches at them. Just weird stuff.

Disclaimer: Feeling pretty damned stoned at the moment. I distinctly remember the instructions on the Vicodin saying it's best to take the pill with a double chilled ketal one.

I think I might have trust issues since my last GF. I never did, not really, before. I was typically a very trusting guy. And I know that just because one person betrayed that trust, most certainly doesn't mean others will, but still... Let's just say I had a jealous reaction to something I shouldn't have. It was.... disturbing. I find this new development to be a bit frightening. I don't want to be a jealous boyfriend.. I hate jealous boyfriends. Consciously, I find it idiotic. However, the trauma that I've experienced because of that trust may make the actuality of it a little more difficult.

Oh well, I had other shit to talk about but I'm losing focus on the letters, I'm going to bed.
