Spider Wars! 1:55 p.m. 10.14.2002
Spider wars� Busy, but I wanted to snap a few pics of the madness that will not end. These aren�t taken for artistic or technical merit, basically� the pictures suck. I know they suck, they aren�t necessarily supposed to suck but the fact that they do suck doesn�t concern me in the least. Spiders seem to die where there is no aesthetically pleasing backgrounds and very little light to work with. Oh, this reminds me.. someone buy me a Q-flash with a turbo battery, please. Not having a flash is really fucking cramping my style, g�damnit.

Okay, to the pics:

This little blurry spot is a smashed spider on my ceiling directly above my computer. Trust me.

This bastard is huge. I think I may end up paying him rent. If you notice, he�s got a lil� henchman toady to the left of him. Fucking thugs.

Two of the mafia hit squad side of Chuck�s family, sent to waylay me at my door. Now taking a dirt nap, don�t fuck with me!

Another bereaved and violent distant cousin to Chuck, sent to inject poison into my body until dead. He�s getting to know the stucco, in an intimate way (Notice the awesome paintjob? Thinking of whoring my grandmother out to paint doorjams across the country).

And this is just a few. It�s a pity that spider webs don�t really translate well to film because these little meticulous fucks appear to be trying to wrap my house in a dense cocoon. Maybe it�s their way of putting humans in a jar. Living right next to an elementary school, I�m sure there are hundreds of angsty spiders who are resentful of jar imprisonment and elementary school �show and tells�. I never kept a spider in a jar, I loved Chuck, I really did. Why do they forsake me and try to take my life? I�m so conflicted.

Or maybe it�s constipated. Eh, oh well. Either way.

Marshmallows and gallon cans of RAID,
