Neon sky... 9:51 p.m. 12.13.2002
So I was .. removed from the Hospital. Apparently, grandma had a dream/hallucination that I came in around 3am last night and forcibly removed her bandages, getting blood everywhere. She�s now frightened of me and I was asked to leave until they can calm her down. Oh yeah, that feels wonderful.

And on the other side of the emotional planet of pain and misery, why are people so content or willfully clingy to misery? The threat of misery is too great to bare, they must clutch the real thing to their breasts? This pains me dearly. I�ve grown in my years but to see people whom I value hold themselves in such low esteem that they will endure abuse (whether or not they choose to admit it) to near breaking point, and when this abuse is threatened they cling desperately to it?

This whole world is mad, I tell you� Mad.

Embrace those who support you, value you, and care for you. Do not cling to emptiness for fear of emptiness!

People who love you and deserve your love will seek to elevate you, not condemn you.

People who love you and deserve your love will rejoice in your triumphs and help bare the burden of your failures, they will not be threatened by the former and take pleasure from the latter.

It�s good to be who you are, a vibrant person.


For fucks sake, people. Have a little self respect.

Of course, for many of you who are out there in similar situations, you�ll ignore this. Because �I don�t know the whole situation.�, or the ever popular �My experiences are different then yours.�

Oh, I know, you could even take the blame for it all, yes� Make excuses for them, really. No, go ahead.. Confess for their sins. You know, because you love them but can�t think of why. You�ve assigned an intrinsic value to them in your life without definition. To hell with logic, right?

Love is blind, they say.. It is impervious to reason and mocks the power of all philosophers. Right? Isn�t that the shit we�re all force fed at an early age by popular media?

What an evil concept in terms of human suffering, that is. Love is the expression of philosophy. I believe Rand called it a �Subconscious philosophical sum�. No other aspect of human existence so desperately needs the conscious power of philosophy. When that power is used to verify an emotional appraisal, when love is a seamless integration between reason and emotion, only then can it be the greatest reward of your life.

Forgive me and my sharp tongue. The night grows long and my mind turns dark. The lack of reason and abundance of pain frustrates me. I can not and will not save anyone.

I�m going for a walk.


Van Gogh - Starry Night