Pigs make strange heros... 1:44 a.m. 12.23.2002
I just watched an old black and white Popeye cartoon where, when Olive Oyl turned downe Bluto, he tried to kill her.

Of course, Popeye saved the day, but that isn't the point.

I'm just so thoroughly amused.

But apart from that, I'm watching a lot of older black and white cartoons tonight. They are brilliant, really. Why don't we do these types of things these days? Little seals playing a whales teeth like a xylophone. Where the big bad hunter hunts everything that moves in the winter-scape with a tom gun.

I mean, Porky fucking pig is shooting at the guy. They are having a god damned gun battle, this is great!

Oh, right.. I should be going to bed.. fooey.

Right.. well, okay. Let�s give that a shot.
