Freestylah 12:13 a.m. 04.15.2003
Silly Geoff, I will not be baited quite so easily. You almost had me! But, silly boy, you know I am free of the lies and poison. I will let you pray about me to your monotheistic slave god, I�ll even let you even worship my cock if you so desire, that�s your choice my dear friend. Good luck to you!

So anyway, I went in search of a photograph late this afternoon when the storm clouds were boiling over the mountains. I left a little too late so by the time I had reached the location it was hailing. Yeah, my timing sucks. So I just kinda drove around looking for new locations. Yes, driving around in the desert, on dirt roads, in a rainstorm. Uh huh.

With my mascot, Goatee, of course!

But all I really found was a not so dry lake bed.. Oh and the glory and might of God? Some shit like that. Should frame this pic with some inspirational saying about the merits of being struck by lightning because your dumb ass is looking for a silver lining in those dark gray clouds.

Can�t you just hear the angels sing?

But that�s about all I found. I drove around this little town south of Vegas called �Good Springs�, and while there are plenty of dilapidated dwellings about, most of them are still occupied. :(


I know, after Yesterday�s photo update, this is pretty lame, but you�ll just have to deal with it!
