OMG OMG AN UPDATE! 6:53 p.m. 10.04.2003
I'm still alive. Printing my everloving ASS OFF in preparations for my show coming soon. I have to say... Wow, this stuff looks GREAT big! I've only really shown small stuff before where the biggest piece was godfuck (to lazy to link, go check it out on my cast/photo page if you haven't seen it before).

Plus I went to chicago and drank my weight in booze, every day. Rode in a school bus in down town chicago with 25+ other drunk freaks, ripping up the town. Whee! Got everyone VIP status/treatment (didn't hurt that 10 bottles of Dom were purchased) and then was promptly kicked out for some sort of bathroom incident (all very fuzzy, damn bubbly).

Yeah, it was a crazy time. All my stuff has to be done at the middle of this week so uh, I may have a life again after that. It's shaping up great though, I'm really happy about it.

So that's my little check in for now. I'll get back to this soon, honest! I actually miss it..
