P.S I hate you. 11:47 p.m. 2002-03-25
First order of business, this little lovely note from Rich in regards to his capitalization habits.

"u be home yet? shit.. i'd say, when u gonna be home, or similar. and u can

suck my uncircumcised cock if u don't like my lack of capitalizations :P"


Oh and fuck you Richard, I'm fairly rested, I'm not stoned and I'm not drunk. So this blows your snide little theory out of the water.

Second on the agenda.. Blaise, my dear. Your little letter (which, subsequently, has been deleted) is quite the venomous read, I loved it! Bravo Bravo! *applaud*

Quote of the day: I love ninjas with all of my body (including my pee pee).

What else.. Oh yeah, I fixed the 'contact' link, thanks to Rich for pointing that out to me. And yes, my notes are enabled so use 'em or email me. And please, stop fucking sending me pics of goats. I have enough! I had some other earth shattering shite to comment on but fuck if I can't remember them. Tough, I suppose. I'm going to go back to sucking hard core photoshop cack, while listening to the techno remix of the knight rider theme, over and over. 'Micheal, look out!'

Potopotoyaki and Turboboosts,
