Hell hath no fury... 6:28 a.m. 2002-04-06
An interesting thing happened last night. Some of you won't find it interesting, but it was, trust me. I was terminated from the Sun Coast. I'm not going to discuss any of the details due to the up coming law suit. I shall, however, remind those that know of my former corporate identity. Flames. Not actual flames, but flames of rage and indignation at the injustice of the situation. Things are going to be, well, things are really going to suck ass for the next few months for me, of that I have no doubt. I'm screwed. But not too badly.

I'm not going to lose a job I loved, worked extremely hard at, and will sorely miss, easily. I have no shame admitting I was great at my job. Damn near every aspect of it (I wasn't the fastest fruit cutter, but that's only because I was so precise).

And those who've known me long enough will likely remember how I react to adversity with an enemy. No, I won't let it go. I'm going to war.

Fire and brimstone, (Thanks Blaise)


P.S. Ross, you screwed up.