The day the whole world went away. 2:32 p.m. 2002-04-03
No, I don't really hate the easter bunny. Right now my rage is directed at none other then.... yup, you guessed it. The Tooth fairy. That little bitch is going to get it.

Well, let's see. I still have a job, yay me. And uh.. I had to put my dog to sleep today, that really sucked. Also, I had, what has amounted to be, the worst dental visit of my life. I shit you not, it feels like I've been kicked in the face. Now, I'm speaking from experience on this. In Jr. High School, this little fucker jabbed me with a pencil during break, well, I beat the little fuckers ass for it. On my way home from school, the little fuckers big fucker brother and his big fucker friends beat the living hell out of me behind KFC, including kicking me in the face. So take my word for it when I relate the current pain to that pain. But instead of more Vicodin, he gave me Lortab... Is this a good thing? I'm not sure. It hasn't helped yet. I'm thinking I should just start gobbling up pills ala pak'man until I feel no more pain. Hell, throw in half a bottle of vodka and maybe I'll hallucinate about screwing the curtains this time.

It's amusing, really... You can cut a 4" hole in me, and I'll be the most stoic mo'faka you've ever seen. I'm the god damned Rambo of large flesh wounds. You give me something like a stubbed toe, tooth ache, or some minor little cut, and I'm a whiney whore. Oh and half my face is still numb and it hurts like hell, I'm not really looking forward to the rest of the numbness wearing off. No, not at all.

I have an eye exam tomorrow, with my current run of luck, he'll squirt acid in my eyes. At which point I'll give up my hunt for the Tooth Fairy, and chase down little miss muffet, kick her tuffet, and shove my cack in her eye.

And for any of you noticing my current rampage regarding imaginary entities and story book characters, it's essentially because I'm bored of kicking god around, so I'm just moving down the list. I'm sure something bad will happen around december inciting my wrath upon the fat red freak. But right now I'm letting him slide.

I'd like to give public thanks to OtherKen for being the second person (I.e. Not Blaise) to write me a note. And also to applaud him in the fact that his diary is almost as boring as mine, as far as design. *bow* Seriously, it's nice to know others out there are also as lazy or inept (or busy) as I am. I'm pretty self conscious about how utterly lame my page looks right now, so much so I haven't been telling anyone about it, yet. But we, the standard template folk of Diaryland, must stick together, and not waiver at the sight of those other, more attractive and intuitive diaries!

And no, I don't have a guestbook. Actually, I do have a guestbook, but I refuse to link to it until I have at least something semi-custom to put the link on. Much to Blaise's chagrin.

I'd also like to thank the leggo dad for being even less creative and choosing my particular template. Bravo!

Let's all take a moment out of our day to wish him and his wonderful Jessica the best of luck on their attempts at suicide. Good luck, my friend. Good luck.

Okay well I think I've ran out of things to rant about. Well, not really, I'm just rather bored right now and feel like working on the new diary design. At some point, in a galaxy far far away, I used to think myself as pretty good with Photoshop... Okay okay, not really 'good', but less of a horrible fuck up then I am right now. Hrmph, oh well.
