Blech, that's all I gots to say about that. 1:03 a.m. 05.10.2002
Okay I'm not dead, yet. I decided the wait at UMC was wayyyyy too fucking long. We're talking like 9 hours folks. I really don't think so. So I decided a quick care would work. After waiting for 3 hours, I get yelled at for not going to the hospital. I can't fucking win.

I whined enough and they got my charts transferred over.

The results? Some italian vixen of a doctor shoves her finger up my butt (erp), I'm not entirely sure why she did that. Whatever.

Some little lady came in to draw blood and said if I cried she would mock me. Eh? Er.. okay. At this point I was asking for a knife so I could gut myself. It seemed like the best course of action at the time. They didn't give me one.

A small bit of background information. My father was in Vietnam for two tours, first as a troop transport helo pilot (dusties) and then as a helo gun ship pilot. At some point he was exposed to agent orange which has a fun little way of passing on odd birth defects. I've got one of the rare birth defects. To this day I can't remember what the hell the exact syndrome is called, who cares. But it screws with my blood, the best explanation I've gotten is that it can poison my blood.

Apparently what happened today was from that. She explained it a little more in detail but I wasn't really listening. I was reading the sign on the wall warning about children choking on rubber gloves, and to not allow them to play with them. Which, in my manner of thinking, gave me free license to play with and choke on them.

So she told me I needed to go the hospital to stay for a few days, for observation. She said that I was in no immediate danger, that the bleeding had stopped. She gave me a G.I. cocktail which looked really cool (nuclear green, neat! No beer chaser though, bastards), and said it would help my upset stomach. My stomach was fucked up from copious amounts of blood hanging out in it, apparently.

Come to think about it, none of it really made any sense. She never fully explained how the blood got into my stomach in the first place. I guess this rules out me ever being a vampire. 'No sorry, I can't suck your blood, gives me a tummy ache you wouldn't believe.'

In fact, no one has ever really explained anything very clearly to me about any of this shit.

So the way I figure it, I'm unemployed with no insurance. I'm already in a decent amount of medical debt because of this crap, no sense in making it worse. That's why I'm here, writing this. As it is, that visit will probably cost me around 600-700 dollars. Yeesh.

I made an appointment with my family doctor this coming Monday just to make sure. If the pain gets crazy again I'll go to the hospital like I'm supposed to, but I feel a bit better now. I just want to sleep.

What a day.

Agent Orange and Barbi dolls,
