sigh...... 5:38 p.m. 2002-04-15
Okay so this cat that I saved from a burning house a few months ago? The little fucking thing is hanging around my house making me feel all sorry for his ass. I mean, I saved him so he could look all starved and pathetic in my front yard? Christ.

I wonder, does the cat really know I'm the knuckle head who threw a 2X4 through the front window so his mangy ass could flee the inferno? (We'll just ignore the fact that I also gave the fire plenty of fresh o2, there by increasing the damage to the house... but god damnit, I saved the little fucking mangy cat!)

So now what the hell? It's a cute cat, I have to admit. It's small, but not a kitten, short hair, really cool looking yellow eyes. If I take him to the animal shelter there is the chance no one would adopt him and he'd end up a fried fuck anyway, which would piss me off. If'n I'm going to be a god damned hero, I would like it to persist a bit longer then a few months, damnit.

I don't want another fucking cat! /sigh Oh bother...
