Hah, Merry X-mas! 3:36 p.m. 12.24.2002
I love this time of year, really. How can you not? The streets are filled with angry people set to the tune of new trendy ways to reproduce old Christmas jingles. That�s fuckin awesome! Walking around in the store earlier, I was the only person smiling. Everyone is so damned angry, it�s great! People pass on the right, people pass on the left shoulder. Some twit took his Escalade up a side walk to get around a car waiting for a little old lady to cross the street. YAY!

Tis the season to be miserable, falalalaaa la la la la. Ahahaha

Sure, I�m not the �happiest person on earth� most the time, but these people are flipping out of some pretty stupid shit. It�s my own personal cheap entertainment!

So I�m listing to the radio stuck in gridlock on the freeway and someone calls into the radio station to tell about what happened to cause the accident that�s causing the gridlock. Apparently, someone tried to pass on the right shoulder and a car further up saw this so eased over into the right shoulder just enough so that the person couldn�t pass. After a lot of honking and screaming by the thug trying to pass on the right, he whipped around to the left, cutting a bunch of people off, got in front of the van that was blocking him and stomped on the breaks. Instant pile up.

Fucking brilliant!

Of course, this was some lady calling into a radio station so who knows how true this is but it�s still comical as all hell. How many people are going to have that much worse of a Christmas because of some twit?

Ahhhh Merry Christmas all :)


P.S. Seriously, angry spastic ass drivers are idiots. What, really, is the point about getting so damned worked up over it? Relax, for fucks sake, life�s a little too complicated and frustrating for you to get pissed off about TRAFFIC. Jeez�..

Richard is purdy and festive.