A horse with the eyes of a jet pilot... 1:19 a.m. 2002-04-11
Since I'm feeling lazy (and tired) today, I'll just post the conversation I had with a friend regarding my last entry's topic. Oh and him calling me the biggest freak he had ever known, or something like that. His initial response to the entry is as follows.


You my friend have more of an edge than anyone I know, which is not a bad thing. It actually makes things entertaining at the same time life can get pretty nuts sometimes which is why I called you a freak... It's my own meaning in a way. There are other 'freaks' out there like Tom Green (Don't find him funny btw), or Rosanne Barr (Her either) But in your case Freak is a good thing. =)

As far as your current topic is concerned, command of the English language is a skill much like computer competency or medical knowledge. You can use your advantage in either of the two latter fields to assert your place in the 'pecking order' in a group or intimidate someone directly. But as is the case of the latter two it is only effective if that group 'pecking order' is associated with that knowledge. Someone who has no understanding of computers is not going to be impressed by how much code you write in assembler so that knowledge is of no use to you in that specific instance. But command of language touches everything and being able to use proper grammer, diction and having a large vocabulary gives you access the tools that will help you communicate, or intimidate as you see fit.

Much like anything else, something you wield in anger can often hurt yourself as well as your intended target. I have been guilty of what you have done as well. Intentionally using words that a person would be unfamiliar with so you can show them their place in the universe can actually be very hurtful and especially when it is done in front of other people. They may not show it then but they will think about it later. Anger has led to more bad decisions than anything else I think although I am the last person that should be speaking on this because once I have lost my temper it is all over.

I most often 'dumb down' the way I would speak normally because some people are intimidated when faced with someone who is communicating at a higher level than they other. Other people will think you are a snob and I have actually had some people tell me they appreciate the way I speak because it helps them become better themselves.

So at the end of the day it is like all things. It's what you got and how you use it and how people choose to perceive it. The thing you have to answer for is why.


This is me, btw.....


It's easier to modify your vocabulary level on the fly when in verbal communication with someone, however, when writing about... let's say, philosophy. Now, philosophy has a rather large and esoteric vocabulary associated with it. If the writer chooses to, and is savvy enough, he could write to limit the accessibility of it to a certain education level. For example, compare typical translations of Nietzsche to translations of Kant. It's night and day, really.

Now some may argue (again, I'm not sure where I stand in this argument) that some subjects should not be accessible to the general person, that some subjects are too dangerous for the common man. Elevating the level of writing to only allow those with easy access to the vocabulary ability to fully understand the points written about, where by the average person is left fumbling through philosophical dictionaries at every turn, and typically still failing to reach true cognition.

One of such subjects would likely be 'Free Will'. It's exceedingly dangerous for the common person to abolish this concept, while those who are more aware (read: more intelligent) have an easier time dealing with the ramifications of the loss of free will. I've recently read two opposing views to free will, one of which was basically 'plain english', and oddly enough, the view was a proponent of the existence of free will. The other was insanely unaccessible. Either author was more then capable of making the english equally accessible or unaccessible.

I recognize the dangers if the common man lose free will, but I also recognize the arguments against free will as extremely valid. Is it an argument that stays in the upper echelon? Well, writing is one way to keep it there.

Just because I'm a fuck, when I write essays, I typically write them in the highest english I can muster, fuck who ever can't understand. It makes MY job easier in so many cases, saving me a huge amount of time trying to define concepts that can be nailed down with a single word. When I'm writing casually, however, it's a hodgepodge, if I struggle for the slightest moment on the awkwardness of a sentence, I typically just move on assuming the reader will understand my meaning enough to continue. For example, the sentence you pointed Khirgoth, I knew full well that wasn't the word for it, but it was so far away from my point at the time that I didn't really give a shit.

It's a really bad trait of mine because I could be a much better writer if I was a little more focused on the grammar. Sometimes my opinions and such are overlooked because they're masked in amateur writing. All it will take is some more focused schooling in this area, and a little patience on my part when writing quick things, to resolve the problem.

I do, however, appreciate the feedback .


Him again...


You highlighted some very good points. Not going to jump into free will here hehe.

Anyway, I too am guilty of just skipping over coming up with the right word when I don't care. Like right now, it's time to go home from work.

Yes it requires focus and patience but see, that takes work. Here is my key to this subject. Write for your intended audience. If you are writing about an intellectual topic for intellectuals, let your English skills shine. If you are on a friggin public message board with a buncha yer friends who don't really give a shit either way, do the bear minimem to get yer point accross w/o looking like a compleet eeediot!

my 2cp


Ahhh... nice long diary entry that likely no one will take the time to read, and I've already done all the work. Thanks Khir.