Pushing little children... 8:38 p.m. 2002-04-09
Dear Diary,

Sorry for bothering you. Heh.

I want someone to write notes while I talk. Er... actually, that would probably be annoying. It's strange, I feel like such a reject diarylander at times. I know most diarylanders aren't necessarily educated in writing. Not only does their grammar suck as bad as mine, but some probably even spell worse then I do. But still... I never was educated for writing, even though I've always had a love for reading and expressing thoughts through words, I was a god damned mechanical engineer. Granted, compared to my co-workers at the time, I was a genius when it came to phrasing those emails to have the proper amount of masked venom while coolly threatening the recipient as politely as possible. It's easy to get a big head in regards to written words when you're surrounded by math geeks.

Still, I'm a hack. I write very colloquially, I know this. On one hand, it makes certain concepts I'm trying to impart upon the reader very accessible. It's like I'm talking to them. On other hands, I get to look up the noses of those who are more refined then I, in terms of writing. The obvious cure is to take more english classes and to not only get good grades, but apply the lessons. Oh bother, that simply sounds like soo much work. Even though I've always aspired to be able to sit around and talk like a professor. Part of me rejects how utterly pompous that sounds.

But as they say, if you go comparing yourself to others, you'll end up a bitter and vain person. So I'll just cut that shit out now.

Regarding the accessibility of writings, I'm still decidedly on the fence whether I agree with some who purposefully dress up their writings so only a select few, who are savvy enough with the related vocabulary, can access it. I'm capable of accessing a lot of text that the typical person would look at and seriously question whether it was english or not, and then again there are of magnitude more that I'm unable to access with full cognition.

The arguments for using such exclusive vocabulary are valid in a lot of cases though, it's simply easier when you're trying to communicate with a peer. It's a pain in the ass to 'dumb down' your vocab sometimes. When I'm feeling disgusted and hateful with regards to mankind, I'd rather say I'm feeling a bit misanthropic today. The examples are innumerable. (Fuck you Khir)

I suppose my major objection is to those who elevate their level of speech or writing to purposefully put it out of the reach of others. Now, I admit, I've done this before in situations where I felt I needed to establish my intellectual dominance. For instance, today in the HR directors office, I had to go in to get my last check and to ask her to explain why I was fired. I'm sure I used a dozen words she had no clue about. It was small of me, petty even, but it sure felt great at the time. But typically, that sort of behavior bothers me. Don't win a debate just because you know more words then someone else.

Again, I've done it before just to alleviate the need for the discussion. Basically it's like saying 'Look, dick shit, I know more about this subject then you'll ever know, and I'll prove it by uttering a string of barely intelligible babble, spinning your head so wildly, you simply shut the fuck up.'

I guess it's a case my case issue =.

I'm awfully good at finding fault in others, but I'm equally as good as overlooking my own.

At any rate, someone care to explain why a neuro-pscyhologist needs to examine me a full month after the initial head trauma in order to see if any damage has been done? I, in my ignorance of neuro-psychology, don't understand that. Email me or something and let me know.

I'm going to go buy a bottle of merlot, cook some chicken in wine sauce over rice, and polish off the rest of the bottle.


P.S. I hopelessly botched the wine sauce. Apparently, I can't cook anymore. Oh well, I still have most the bottle to drink!