I'm happy, I'm feeling glad... (over played, sue me) 4:32 p.m. 05.01.2002
Woohoo! Night of idle frivolity. So Geoff (tallguy) got a fat raise. Sweet. This equates to celebration. Celebration = Belagio (dancing, cocktails, supercilious behavior), Sushi (dead swimmy things, yummm), and if I can talk his lame ass into it, maybe a trip by Icon. If I'm lucky, they'll play Chains of Love and I will dance.

Is it strange for a heterosexual male to be so fond of Erasure? No? Okay.

Can I take this moment to comment on Garbage? I'd like to say this; Garbage = wuwu~~~ /rewr/

Another point I'd like to make. People don't update their diaries nearly enough to keep me satisfied. Slackers.

Interesting points of the day:

-Conversation about masturbation and the frequency of male vs. female, standing in a long line at Costco.

-Paul's mom saying that me wanting to be homeless is mean, or not mean but.. Well, mocking to the homeless people. Funny, coming from a Catholic. I love Paul's mom. She rocks.

-Geoff (tallguy) calling to tell me I write well. (Okay so this isn't that interesting, fuck off, I still got warm fuzzies)

-Grandma calling me a cocksucker. (blink)

-An accurate word for the sound of walking on gravel is CRUNCH.

Okay so I'm going to go take a shower. We all know what that means, shower = music, shower = nekkid, music = dancing. So to sum it up; shower = dancing nekkid to music (I prefer my spelling to nekkid).


Grapefruits and pumpkins,
