Don't call me Henry. 11:13 p.m. 06.18.2002
I think I gave the wrong impression in my last entry. I�m actually a very good friend most of the times and will leap at any call to advise or offer condolences or really whatever sort of friendly function is requested/needed of me.

But to be honest that usually only pertains to the �inner circle� of friends. Not to put off my friends in general, no, but there are certain friends who I will jump through flaming hoops into deep dark abyss� for. Then there are friends who I�ll just recommend hookers. I, in some sort of perfect world, should probably treat all my friends the same, but I don�t.

Truth be known, I have some of the greatest friends I could ever hope to have, but I also have some pretty lousy ones. So I figure it all evens out.

I kept my mothers car for the night and drove around. Went to Roma � Tea, TGI Friday�s � Soup, Redrock � Stars (kinda)... I need a car with a moon roof and a nice stereo system..... er, no, I need a fucking tropical island.

I stubbed my toe upon returning home, I collapsed in my little universe of pain. I was sure that the fucking cat was laughing at me.

Anyone want a cat? It�s really quite cool, except for occasionally leering at your bowl of cereal and doing all sorts of things that make you want to love the little fucker. You know, like playing, cuddling, and generally being all that a cat is supposed to be. I don�t want this cat. It�s cost me over 300 bucks to save his lame ass. I�ve saved this stupid cat from certain death three times now. Okay well, two times for sure but I�m claiming three because it sounds better. And I refrained from killing it so that�s basically three.

Gah my eyes sting, must sleep now.

Rocks and scissors,
