I woke up today 2:44 p.m. 06.18.2002
My body is acting strange today. Around 11ish this morning I had the shakes, a pretty bad case of them. I�ve rarely in my life ever got the shakes so it was amusing as hell. I decided I should drink some coffee (I R ShMaRt!), which just made me really sleepy (???)... I�m in love with the coffee girl, which is pretty typical of me lately, I�ve loved a lot of my recent coffee girls.

I�m driving around my mothers car today, which is considerably nicer then my truck even though it cost about the same (it is newer, however). I was stuck in traffic, uh huh. There really was no difference in the particular feeling of being stuck in traffic. The music sounded a little better, the AC was a little more effective, but I was still sitting on the toaster oven of a freeway for over 30 minutes.

I�m failing to see the point of it.

A friend called while I was enjoying my shakes and coffee to complain about his relationship. I thought I was past this? These past few months of apathy and indifference towards other peoples relationships have gone unnoticed? He says, and I quote, �He never gets to hump his gf anymore.�, yes, he said hump. Then went on to say how she�s always busy, blah blah who cares. Did he really say hump? Yeah... hump.

Not to be a bad friend and shun his needs, I recommended he dump her and start paying for sex. Hookers will always let you �hump� them as long as you have their fee. So that way, if they won�t hump him, he can only blame himself.

I don�t think he thought I was taking the situation serious enough.

I let a long sigh escape... it was happy to be free. I told him I was high on drugs and it was impossible for me to take any situation serious. I think he was genuinely disappointed. I�m a bad friend.

I, of course, wasn�t high on drugs.

I�m going to go illegally park my mothers car.

Hotdogs and parking tickets,
