My wonderful and detailed movie review: Windtalkers 2:03 a.m. 06.24.2002
I made myself sit through Windtalkers tonight. Yes, it was as agonizing as that sentence sounded. I haven�t walked out of a movie in... well, a really long time. But god damn did I want to tonight.

It�s obscenely long, and since I love long movies and think most movies should be 3 hours or so, this says a lot. The acting.. really bad. I can�t tell if it was the directing that made it so bad, because I know some of those actors in the movie are quite talented, so I basically put the blame on Woo.

I can now say with full confidence that I do not like John Woo.

It�s really too late to get into all of the details of this horrible event, that and I really want to stop thinking about it as soon as possible. Just so everyone realizes something about me, I�m the worst critic ever. And by that I mean I typically find something to love about every movie.

I�m going to voice my loathing for this movie in one final and potent statement; I would rather watch Blade ][ again then ever see this movie, ever again.

Don�t faint, it�ll be okay. Take a deep breath, relax.. Everything is going to be fine. No, I won�t watch Blade 2 again, nor will I speak such foolishness again, I just had to make a point. And just to remind us that Karma was watching and decided that seeing that film was one of the worst affronts to Karma in quite some time; Richard�s key snapped in his car door. His only key. Yes, the movie was that bad.

What a kooky day.

Casual Sex and Dope Beats,
