Soporific.... 8:49 p.m. 07.03.2002
Okay. Yeah, I know. I haven�t updated telling all those people out there who are dying of curiosity about my damned trip. God was that a fucked up sentence. Anyway, I have some pretty valid excuses. Okay, maybe not valid, but entertaining.

When I got home Grandma was behaving particularly psychotic. I began to wonder if a person can go senile in four days. She would, literally, call me on the phone when I�m home (like I live REAL far away, uh huh) and ... Well, the only way I can honestly describe it is... speak to me in tongue. Erp... When she did it in person, I�d stare at her in disbelief. She�d nod her head, come back a few minutes later and say �Well?�... Uh...

Okay so I�m thinking maybe she snapped. Something happened that made her snap, right? Either that or the doctors completely fucked up her drugs because she had to get them all refilled. So I go on a mission, examining all her scripts for anything odd.

Er.. Okay a few things, actually. The biggest issue was she is supposed to take 12mg of Klonapin a day. Yeah, she was taking 40. *nods*

Oh and something did happen while I was away, you know my fuckhead uncle? Well, he slashed his wrists at a bus stop. No, unfortunately he isn�t dead. He�s far too incompetent. But what does kind of suck was that his son, who is 14, was with him. A bit traumatizing. I mean, the poor kid has led an amazingly fucked up life as it is, but still, that wasn�t cool.

My uncle is now in jail though, which is good. Ah hell.. so it�s been a manic week. Anyway, I�m going to go consume some fresh dead fish and drop into a nice deep coma for... oh, twenty hours.
