I�m a callous and reprehensible human being... HA! 1:30 p.m. 08.14.2002
Yes, she actually called me that in her closing arguments. I should have called her a bitch or something.

In case you are wondering what I�m talking about, this is regarding my being fired from the Suncoast over this event. They�ve disputed my unemployment claim which was originally overruled and this was their appeal. Paul went through the same thing and had a favorable outcome. This is my less then poetic side of that particular story.

So anyway, today was my day to be forced to defend myself in front Cathy Thomas, some poor baboon of a security guard who never saw me coming, and of course... Ms. Patron � The lady upholding the righteous actions of her noble client (The Suncoast, in case you weren�t following along).

Thrust into an environment that I felt woefully unequipped to deal with once again, I did the best I could. For the most part, it was enjoyable.. Kind of. It was fun watching the arbitrator rip poor Cathy Thomas apart. �So you�re telling me you don�t have the ability or power to discipline your own employee�s?� When Cathy stated that not only was I allowed to work for a full week after the incident, but never even got suspended or anything for it. It was fun to watch Cathy stammer. Squirm, bitch.

I actually felt mildly guilty about the poor security guard. On one hand, an employer that�s known for fucking peoples lives on a whim, on the other.. The truth. He was forced to agree that I was cooperative in every way and was very polite. Not the normal behavior for a �callous and reprehensible human being�, I should say. He even admitted that I appeared �confused�. Well.. I was. So he was more my witness then theirs, I think.

But we�ll see how it turns out. 10-14 business days till I know if I�m categorically fucked or not. I�m hoping the unemployment office holds the same ideal of integrity as they did for Paul. There is nothing more I can do in the regard, however, but wait.

I�m going to go kill myself at the gym, too much anger!
