Fuck lawyers. 10:37 a.m. 05.06.2002
Justice? Yeah, whatever. It's a big fucking word game. Justice has nothing to do with it, it's knowledge of how to manipulate an environment to suit your goals.

I'm sure this mentality comes out in law school. I've known people who went into law school with good intentions yet were transformed into power happy ghouls. They didn't give a shit what was right, everyone is guilty, fuck them all.

So I went to this 'hearing' or whatever the fuck it was in regards to Paul's unemployment benefits from getting fired from the Sun Coast.

Okay the lawyer chick representing the Sun Coast sucked. She was an idiot, but she knew the layout a little better then Paul or I did. And I was a 'witness' so I had little room other then answering direct questions. They like to do that, fuckers. She even got it on tape that she scolded Paul for 'Shaking his head and coaching the witness'. I wasn't even fucking looking at Paul, but it's a audio tape and they don't know that. Abuse of the environment.

One or two of you cynical fucks may think that was a good move on her part. Well, yeah, if you're a scheming lying piece of shit. Bravo.

Okay so let's ignore that I'm really the only witness that could have had any dealings with the situation that was being discussed. Let's concentrate on the fact that I'm an 'associate' of Paul, and I was also fired from the Sun Coast and may be 'disgruntled'.. Well, duh. I got fired on my day off for being a passenger in a car wreck, disgruntled doesn't even begin to come close to describing how I feel about that. Does that change how I would testify? Fuck no. Why? Because Paul didn't do anything WRONG! But since my testimony is for Paul, I'm showing my obvious bias for him, and utilizing the opportunity to 'get back at the Sun Coast'. Sure, whatever.

I'm a smart person. I've got a very broad vocabulary when compared to the average person, I handle myself extremely well in tough situations. I don't, however, know legalese. I'm not familiar with the workings of a court. What my rights are, what's acceptable or not. Forgive me for being human.

This is what it felt like. Imagine a large bird of prey, imagine that bird caught in a net, unable to move. Imagine a mouse gnawing on that bird. Slight disadvantage there.

So is law school the only way weak sniveling fucks can get the upper hand?

No wonder there are more lawyers then cockroaches.

On a lighter subject. I can now safely say that I would rather sleep in jeans and sneakers then a motorcycle helmet. It took a night of having an extremely itchy head to figure this out. What was I saying? Oh yeah, something about me being smart.

I should go to law school. THEN I'll be smart. I can assert my dominance over the weak pathetic non-lawschool people. I miss JC. *sigh*

Bugs and bugspray,
