Dejavu 5:58 a.m. 10.09.2002
Yay! Grandma did some cartwheels in the bathtub and broke a couple ribs. Nothing too serious, mind you, just cracked really. If anyone ever had cracked/broken/bruised ribs, it fuckin hurts like hell when you move. She really needs to stop being such a gymnist. And if any of you remember the rotator cuff surgery she had a few months ago then you have some idea of what this means for me.

Ya see, she doesn�t sleep. She worked graveyard for 34 years so her internal clock hates her so she can�t sleep during the day or night. And granted I�m not normally the best sleeper but I can usually get solid 4-5 hour chunk in at a time. All of that�s over for the foreseeable future. Paging system is enabled and in high demand.

Now, I know I�m being callous when I say these things, she�s my grandma and I love her and I�m happy to do anything I can for her, after all, she saved my life on multiple occasions where it was in serious doubt, but I�m sorry� Sanka (the instant coffee shit) smells REALLY fucking bad. I just made some for her. She shouldn�t be drinking coffee anyway but there ya go. I need to find a damned extra job that actually pays on a consistent basis but how can I leave her alone when she can�t even get out of the chair? What shitty timing.

Ya ya, someone call the Waaaaambulance.

In other news, the spiders have made it as far as my bed now. As I was dozing off I felt a sting in my knee which I grabbed out of reflex, only to see a little racecar black spider shoot across the bed and up the wall. Now I have a bump on me knee and a smear mark on my wall. When will the madness end? I�m going to photograph the battlefield tomorrow I think, since I�ll be spending a lot of time at home for awhile.

Oh well.. I�m going to try and squeeze in 30-45min nap before the next call.
