Never discuss politics with a 72 year old. 2:52 p.m. 10.18.2002
Never let that political discussion turn into news about how the �family� is doing. Why? Because I fucking hate the majority of this god forsaken family. I insulate myself from them for a reason, Dave and his band of miscreants are all waste. The oldest is pregnant and going to keep it, she�s 17 and homeless, btw. The next one in the line (16) ran off with a band of gang members to LA 3 weeks ago. The next (14) is your typical drop out kid who I actually put effort into before, now an alcoholic at age 14. And the last (13) is your typical brat drop out who sleeps with literally /everyone/ who would sleep with a 13 year old girl, as some sort of defense mechanism for reality.

Wow jeez, trailer trash are we!

Oh and the reason my g-ma decided to fill me in on how my wonderful family is doing? To prove a point against gay marriage. Un-fucking-believable. Here are two heterosexual fuck ups and she�s trying to use them as an argument against gay marriage? Beautiful. Just beautiful. Oh well, that�s old people for ya. I�ll reiterate;

Never discuss politics with a 72 year old.

And wow, did I ever wake up in a bad mood. Probably because my body still needs 10 hours of sleep or so. Unfortunately, I�ve got too much zinging around in my head to even think about going to sleep again. With last night and this more recent point, that Olympic grade lurker �frustration w/humanity� is, well.. lurking with the best of �em. Yes, a mood blacker then the blackest melancholy, contempt for man.

Maybe a shower will make me feel better.