Conspicuous place.. 2:07 p.m. 12.05.2002
I�ve been writing a lot offline these past few days to see what it�s like. I�ve always written, usually philosophy and such that few, if any, ever get to see. But this time I wrote journal style, diary style, much like I write here but with the knowledge that this is purely for myself and no one else will read it, ever.

Holy hell, that�s hard! Those wacky people at Inspirations made me think about my writing and, how did Sylvia put it.. Something about an ability to write despite there being any compelling or interesting content. (Paraphrased, mind you)

I hold no illusions that my life is particularly interesting, especially lately. I work a lot and that�s boring as hell, trust me� I know. So I�m stuck between going insane (which can give a certain interesting twist to life) or writing a basic laundry list like so many others that proves to be neither compelling or entertaining.

Oh yeah, one thing I noticed about my personal �diary entries� was that they are significantly more whiney. Oh dear god they were whiney. It seemed to be the only thing I could write about. At least with the awareness that people will be reading, or could possibly read my public dairy, I curtail the whiney side for the most part. Oh, don�t get me wrong, I�ll still bitch and moan. Life is about bitching and moaning, but at least I�m a little more tempered.

Anyway, I�ll quote a snip of what was said by Sylvia:

What is it that appeals to me so much about these web logs? Is it the vicarious view into someone else's life? Do I tend to forget the dismal dreary ones and am really just enjoying the cream of the crop? Maybe just pure jealousy because I can't see myself doing one, and these people, with lives no more interesting than mine and in the case of the man with the spiders clearly less interesting (he's unemployed, looking after his grandmother, doing some photography but nothing that is clearly key web-log material), these people are managing to write where I am not.

I don't know, but if you fancy half an hour reading about this man (whose name I don't even know) and his spider, it's at

I'm just going to go wander off and have a sulk.

Now, I don�t know about any of you, but I find people who �wander off and have a sulk� to be charming. I want a sulk too, that�s so cute! Oh and I feel justified in quoting without her permission, so nyah nyah!

And then, after snooping some, I found someone who seems to think that I desperately need attention. I�m not necessarily disputing this perception, mind you, but I was shocked nonetheless. I suppose anyone who actually writes an online public journal desires some sort of attention out of the deal, but who knows? The thought that I come across like an attention whore concerns me a little. Don�t get me wrong, I like attention and all (who doesn�t?) but do I exude the overt craving for it? Should I suddenly submit my site to the dozens of �diary review� sites out there to justify this perception?

I�m not so sure.. But then again, the only thing I�m really sure about anymore is my desire for an �out�. I want out.

Anyway, there is a photographic art show this weekend by Kelly Garny.. Gerny.. whatever. I knew this guy years ago so I�m anxious to see how his skill has developed since then. Being a photography show, I�m nervous about the whole mess, the raging ass of a critic that I am.

Oh well..
