Someone important... 6:58 p.m. 01.01.2003
I went to the movies today and saw Gangs of New York. Good movie. But this isn�t a movie review. I heard two people talking in the row in front of me, same gendered, talking about their respective loved ones. These are always interesting conversations and I couldn�t help but overhear what was said. It seems like it�s been so long since I�ve been that someone in another�s life. The used phrases like �great in bed�, �good looking�, �caring�, �smart�, and all these other things that would lead you to believe, in a jaded cynical world, that it was a new relationship.

But wow do I take that shit personally. What a lead weight. That�s what I get for going to the movies alone in the mood that I�m in. I wish I could find something constructive to dump all this shit into. It just makes me want to be lazy. How lame is that?

I�m going to go make enchiladas for grandma.
