BAM FUCK I'M DEAD! 11:48 p.m. 02.13.2003
Jesus fucking tap dancing Christ.

Okay so, my computer blew up this week. Yeah, thermal meltdown type of shit. So yeah, I lost a lot of stuff. Writings, emails, email addresses, bookmarks of all my favorite obscure fetish porn sites.. Fuck me with a chain saw, this sucks more then anything else has sucked, except those that that sucked even more.

So a lot has happened this past week I want to talk about but now is not the time. I'm in the middle of some hard core data recovery hell..

But I'd like to mention the glorious day of rain yesterday, and the gloomy weather today.. YAY!

I've some pretty scathing comments for the new show re: america's "hottest".. But I'll leave that up to Ihaterain 'cause he sums it up pretty damned nicely.

So much for me catching up on diary house cleaning and emailing the world. But well, I'm at least back up and running as of a lil' over an hour ago.

So with that major step, I'm going the hell to bed.


P.S. If anyone knows how to convert old Netscape Communicator email files (.snm) into any other program (the new netscape 7.01, MS Outlook, whatevah), please let me know. The new netscape says it will but apparently my backup didn't include the 'profile' name or whatever and I can't seem to point it at the actual files themselves. Basically, I'm fucked. HEPL! (Yes, spelled incorrectly to mock gamers who oftentimes need to type panic stricken messages asking for help, god I'm a dork)