Insignificant 3:09 a.m. 02.21.2003
So, in the parking lot for some church who�s banner says �Great is the nation who�s LORD is GOD�, I saw a very ironic and entertaining thing. An Escalade with an anti-war sign in the back of it. Oddly enough, it said �No more blood for oil�, and the blood looked all bloody n scary. Get it? Yeah, I got it too. I laughed. (If only I had my camera. *sigh* I should really get one that doesn�t cost many thousands of dollars so I don't have to carry it around acting like it�s a new born child.. actually, /more/ important then some screaming stink factory)

Fucking people.

Observation of the day, exactly 80% of the veterinarians I dealt with today were complete assholes. But on a good note, they really like animals so I guess that�s good. But damn, what a bunch of bitter pricks. But one was super nice and polite, I liked him.

Was a long ass day and I can�t sleep. There, got my whining out of the way.

I wish I had funny and entertaining things to write about lately, but I don�t. Truth be, I�m borderline catatonic lately. I�ve been dealing with a lot of physical ailments lately which never help, between strep throat, and my knees that are aching like some 80 year old war vet.. Oh and the endless insomnia, I�m not having all that much fun.

So, while wondering around in my head a little while ago I noticed a dark spot. Not like a �void� or anything, just, you know.. kinda dark and shady. The kinda place you may want to retreat on those particular sunny days with those endless blue skies we end up seeing (sounds good? Heh, too much of anything sucks, trust me). I�m not real sure why this little spot is hanging around, it�s just sort of loitering. I thought about putting up a �no loitering sign� in my head but couldn�t quite remember how to spell loitering so I ditched the idea.

I just sat there, staring down this dark spot. It�s amazing how long you can go without blinking in your head, it�s also amazing how long the little dark spot can go without blinking eyes it doesn�t have. It was all very peculiar. Yes, very..

I say to this little dark spot �What are you?�. Not really expecting dark spots in my head to be sarcastic dark spots, it replied �A dark spot, genius.�

Eh, right.. jolly good.

Well, I decided for a different tact, obviously.. �Why are you here?� seemed to be a safe one. Of course, Mr. Dark Spot wasn�t really in a communicative mood, so it took on a shape that could only represent frowning. It�s pretty impressive for a shapeless shadow in my head to frown at me.

Okay, so I figure I must have put this lil� fucker here somehow. I�m almost at the point where I�m going to start phrasing my questions in E-prime, but of course, I don�t. So I stared some more. It stared back some more.

Right, so I start calling it names. Seems like a reasonable thing to do, doesn�t it? Not like �fag� or �monkey-ass-rocket� or anything, but you know, just things like �insane bit floating around� and �nonsensical little blob� (it didn�t like this one), and it yelled at me :(. Something to the effect of �You�re the daft bastard talking to imaginary spots in your head, and you�re calling *me* names?�

It had a point.

I mean, it�s hard to argue with that sort of logic, isn�t it?

So, I watched the un-rated Jerry Springer special.. Okay, I got through 10 minutes of it, then checked back on the little blob and caught it in the act! HA Hah! It was doing little devious things like, inciting depressing emotions, throwing bits of sadness and melancholy around the place and just generally being a big fucking slob with negative trash. That little fucker, it�s MISERY!

Argg.. I wonder, can you sleep off misery?

Maybe if I just ignore it, it�ll go away.

Is this all some great big lie? I don�t mean the dark spot, but just, everything? Well, yes.. Certainly it is. But it�s the lie that fuels us, isn�t it? It�s the lie that drives us. It�s why we piss away .1 gallons of gasoline per mile and bitch about oil and war and the price of that fuel. It�s why we�re constantly concerned about our appearance, breast size, penis size, the proper etiquette. The right hair cut. It�s why I don�t get a god damned phone call back when YOU say you�re going to. (pet peeve, sorry :P)

Eh.. Maybe I can sleep this off, if I could only fookin get to sleep.

No more monkey business!
