The demons be driven. 6:10 a.m. 04.22.2003
Well now, I haven�t had a sleepless nights due to thoughts on sex in... quite some time! See what happens when the urge to masturbate on a regular basis decreases slightly? Mr. Jack McNasty plays mean and evil tricks on your sub-conscious. Jeez.

It�s not all that hard to get laid in Vegas. This town is practically full of women whose only way they think they can get attention, is to bang random guys. It just depends on what your intellectual standards are, I suppose. I�ve got this cooky thing going where the woman has to be an integration of emotional and intellectual attraction.

Well, normally. :P

Based on my dreams this morning, my desires are straight from the ID baby! Unadulterated and unabashed primal desire!

It�s pretty amusing except for the fact that I�d wake up every 15 minutes it seems and lay in this feverish half sleep state for what seemed like hours, kind of hallucinating.

And no, fantasizing about this particular girl is far from healthy. It�s amazing how I can intellectually separate myself from a person through sheer willpower but the base human emotions aren't dissuaded nearly so easily. The animal side wants to conquer, damnit!

Eh, so I�m going to the gym, exorcise these demons.
