Wanted: Aliens (bastard ones at that) 2:34 a.m. 05.05.2002
I just saw an interesting thing on my way home from Paul's house. A neighbor was busy threading slats (? Those things that block the view through a chain link fence) through his big chain link fence. At 2am. Normally the only thing my neighbors are doing at 2am is, beating the spouse, breaking in to another neighbors house/car, or killing someone. I'm perplexed.

So I went to SuperCross today for most of the day. It was cool. I got to see a lot, and I mean a lot, of drunk red-necks get in fights and make complete asses out of themselves. The women loved it. I was even mildly entertained by the thought of a large scale terrorist attack. I think the IQ of America would have actually budged up a fraction of a percentage point... Okay, maybe not, but it was entertaining.

Oh let me take this opportunity to publicly denounce women tanning. DON'T FUCKING DO IT! It's ugly, it ages you, you look like a guy. It's disgusting how many ultra-tan people there are.

Phew, now that I got that off my chest.

It�s been awhile (weeks?) since I�ve gotten to hang out with Paul, which is too bad, it�s typically good fun. His life is pretty amusing at times, for instance, right now he�s in trouble because his girlfriend's kid found one of his porn magazines. Yeah, I don�t see the big deal either, but apparently it is. The kid is 7? Yeah, I think 7. He can take it. Let the kid enter the world with his eyes open, or at least, partially. Also, when I was a kid I knew I couldn�t go rummaging through grandma�s bedroom. It was a matter of boundaries, not that I could find something potentially harmful to my fragile eggshell mind. But I�m no parent so what do I know. However, Jes (Paul's girlfriend) is an awesome girl, I'm sure things will be fine.

Paul also said something a little disturbing, he mentioned that this entry may seem like I�m an internet predator/pervert. I guess if I look at it from a purely pessimistic, cynical view, he�s got a point. Which really pisses me off, because I really would love to start shooting again soon, since I have the time. I suppose if I saw somebody advertising for models on the internet I�d probably suspect him too, but I typically think the worst of people initially, so it�s fair to expect others to do the same. They could always call Edie Chiarappa at CCSN (702.566.4936), or email her ([email protected]) and ask her about me. But that�s probably too much work. I should go rescue Erica from the aliens. Oh bother.

Oh well, I�ll just go photograph children�s toys out on dry lake beds. Yeah... art.

One of the bad things about not being a smoker, I keep running out of ways to light my candles. Fuck.

Well I have promised myself to three different groups of friends tomorrow, at the same time. I need to get a planner to organize my social life, I�ve become a twit and can�t remember shit. Now I have to decide which I want to do, or really, who I don�t want to disappoint the most. Unfortunately I�m going to miss Sacrilege. Those two people I met were so nice... But that�s okay, I�ll go check it out the following Sunday. I�m dragging Paul to Wednesday night at Icon this week, that should be interesting.

Oh, interesting fact = Total pageviews: 1965 (over 23.2 days)

Wowza. And only three people list me as favorites? What the fuck?

(blinks) okay, moving on.

I�m going to bed (I�m lying, of course, I�m going to fuck around on the internet for another hour then read, then fall asleep in a screwed up reading position, get a nasty crick in my neck, and bitch about it here tomorrow. Yup.)

Girls and missing links,
