Step by step... (Garald's great model search) 9:08 p.m. 05.03.2002
I need to find someone to replace Carrine and Susan. I need a new model. Erica is a likely possibility, but I think aliens kidnapped her.

For those who don't know, this is Carrine;

Ellie Mae



These are a few examples, I have a lot. Once we get the new website done I'll have a gallery page that has a lot of my photography online, including fashion shots of Carrine.

Just for some perspective, she's 15 (almost 16) in those shots. Actually, she's probably 16 in the one titled 'Love'.

What I'm really looking for is someone who's dynamic and relaxed to work with. I've little patience for prissy girls who are afraid they'll look 'fat'. Also, versatile wardrobes are exceedingly helpful since I'm fucking poor these days and can't really splurge on buying outfits. Also someone with a bit more of a 'darker' personality would be lovely. So much easier to get what I'm looking for.

You don't have to be 'model material' either, typically people have a skewed perspective of that what that label entails, so just throw it out of the window. I typically prefer women because they've a tendency to be more impactful to viewers. I enjoy mixing beauty and filth, so it works, however I will not pass up an interesting male model. Take Happy Smiley Hero Pup for example. Affectionately named 'drool boy'. I liked him. He drooled on Que.

Since I'm on such a picture trip, here is a picture of me and some old friends. From left to right; Susan, ME! (sans rose colored glasses, a recent addition), Edie (photography mentor, I miss her), and Thanos.

So anyway, if anyone is interested in modeling, let me know. The deal is I'll give ya prints and such, and if you're looking to build a fashion portfolio, I'll help you in that department as well. I've got a ton of references you can call just so you know I won't take you out into the desert and shoot you. Er... Actually, I will, but just with a camera. (Cheesy, I love it)

Muhammad Ali and hot dogs,
