Penguins on the wall, penguins on my clock... 4:51 a.m. 05.16.2002
I must be fucking insane. Here it is, almost 5am and I'm still not in bed. Grandma will be waking up in about an hour and paging me every 15 minutes. What was I saying about my need for coffee? Moron...

So I've been reading diarylands for the past few hours. How come most of the really interesting ones are of people between the ages of 18-19? I'm sure I understand the reasoning, as I know that was certainly an interesting time for myself, but still. There are quite a few interesting ones that are older, but for the most part, they bore the hell out of me.

I need to get my monkey ass to bed. I don't really have a monkey ass, in fact, it's a second place ass to be exact, that is, if you take the opinion of 5-6 drunk college women. I'll never live down the second place win, and what's even more annoying, the first place bastard was so tore up, he doesn't even remember a thing! So I could have said I was number one and he wouldn't gloat all the damn time. But I know, I would have know I have a second rate ass.. Christ, I'm talking about my ass, I really need to go to bed.

Oh yes, the coffee did make me sick, just in case anyone was wondering. Not like 'Omg I'm gonna die!' sick, but more like 'Wow, this is really annoying, I'm sick.' sort of sick.

Typically, my body was a temple*. A temple awash in alcohol and caffeine. Now the monks of my temple are juggling bagels and swimming in soup.



*Okay so not so much of a temple as a barely standing table in the corner covered with booze and one burnt out candle. Oh and a pile of coffee beans heaped over the incense. However, there is a nice picture of an elephant on the wall behind the table, I still haven't figured out why.