kumoniwannalayya. 1:34 p.m. 05.21.2002
I�m probably just tired and sick from the beer I drank this morning visiting Paul, that and I downed a venti + a big cup of tea. No sleep + way too much caffeine makes me grumpy. I�m mostly just tired now. I�ll be taking a nap after G-ma�s next doctor appointment.

So this is my recent musings, I�m not sure how realistic it is, but I suppose anything is realistic if I go after it. I�m considering moving to some tropical island. I�m still researching it but I�ve found some interesting deals in the French Polynesian islands, and am looking for something in the Maldives. The way I figure it, I can get some small cheap place for around 2-10k, which wouldn�t be hard to raise. I could then land some bartending gig at one of the many resorts in these areas. Maybe on a bigger island. I don�t think I�d mind commuting in a boat.

Seriously, why do I want a BMW? So I can be stuck in traffic in a nice car? Pfft! Who gives a shit. Nothing short of drugs will make me as happy as the people in the commercials are, so why even bother?

The way I see it, people work their entire lives to be able to retire to some tropical place and relax. Why not circumvent that shit. I�ve done some research on getting to these places as well. I can book a �working transport� passage on a freight liner going over-seas for around 250 bucks. Yes, it�ll take over a month, and yes I�ll have to work as well, but like Paul said, what a fucking character building adventure this would be?

Right now, Grandma is my primary concern so things will revolve around her for now, but these things are certainly future options.

Speaking of which, time for the next appointment.. then nappy nappy time.....
