Happy colon day! 2:34 p.m. 2002-03-21
Okay Blaise,

If I'm a wannabe sexist, you're a man hating dyke, mmkay? :)

And I never implied Nietzsche didn't have anything to do with Nihilism, that would be terribly silly, considering I also supplied a link to a fairly comprehensive dissection of Nietzsche's spin on nihilism. I just merely pointed out that he wasn't a nihilist, not in the true sense of the word anyway.

And as far as 'giving Nietzsche a rest'... well, that's not likely to happen in this life time. I'll be perfectly honest, there are a lot of his writings and ideals that are just, well, shit. But I've never read another philosopher who had so many gem stones of wisdom buried in that shit. You remember how I started out, right? The confused pious young boy, praying every day, questioning my sunday school teachers why the 'meek will inherit the earth'. Rejecting the ideal, even at age 6, that the humble, weak, and subservient were better then the strong and proud. It took several years for this confusion to coalesce into a categorical rejection of, not only christianity, but the 'slave-morality' it advertises as the keys to bliss after life. It sounded wrong at age 6, it sounds wrong now. Nietzsche is really one of the only highly prominent and well known philosophers who not only rejects christianity, but also attacks it logically, while exalting the spirit of what it means to be alive.

You know me Blaise, I've read damn near every major philosopher out there, from classic greek to new age rhetoric. I've gravitated to some, more then others. I still have a copious amount to read, and I will keep on reading. But in the end, Nietzsche has always been more capable at putting my core beliefs, since age 6, to words then I ever probably will be. Even though there were times when he was undoubtedly mad, and flat out wrong.

Correlation is not causation. I don't think this way because I read Nietzsche, I read Nietzsche because I think this way. The same could be said for Aristotle, Rand, and many others whom I've also gravitated to, in one way or another.

Now, on the subject of Colons.... Well, that article is certainly interesting, I still want that fucking marble out of my ass. And Kim, if you can float your own ticket there (1,200$ or there abouts), let's go! Otherwise I'm going to take Paul and get into a LOT of trouble, not even considering he'd likely lose his make shift lego family (which I'm rather fond of), or take Steph, which I'll probably have to out right bribe to get to go. Hell, that probably won't even work. So if you're willing to go to Thailand with a complete stranger to get anywhere from 4-6lbs of crap flushed out of you, for around two grand, let me know :).

What's with people who don't capitalize? I've been trying to get Richard to capitalize for what, 6 years now? You wouldn't happen to be european, would ya? Maybe it's a euro-trash thing, that's the only thing I can figure with Richard. *shrug*

Well I took my test, it was pretty pathetically easy, even considering I read about 1/3 the required text. What can you expect for low level courses where everyone is really young =.

Oh, obligatory bitch of the day.. My filling in my tooth fell out and it hurts WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. Now that I got that out of the way.

I think I have a card catalogue somewhere around here. Don't ask me what I was going to use it for, but I stole it out of the dumpster when my elementary school remodeled their library. And again, don't ask what I was doing in the dumpster, I spent a lot of time as a kid in dumpsters, much to the chagrin of a lot of people *smirk*.

Heh... otherKen is amusing. Yes, your mom too is likely a cock sucker.

Oh, last comment of the entry... I'd like to thank Blaise for saying I sank my teeth into her, that pleases me :). Oh and even though you didn't really address this, but since you hinted at holding people responsible for their actions... there doesn't have to be free will to hold people responsible. For example; I run out and start shooting nuns in the face because I think they are silly. That could very well be a by-product of some chemical imbalance mixed with my intrinsic belief that I'm better then everyone (ahah), combined with the fact I was kicked in the head repeatedly as a child, by my mom's drug dealer. Technically speaking, I'm not responsible because it's these conditions (which I had no direct control of) that made me shoot these silly ass nuns. But that doesn't take away from the fact that shooting silly ass nuns in the face isn't a nice thing to do and isn't conducive to a stable society. I'd still have to be removed from society.

Just because someone's conditions were out of there control doesn't absolve them from the standards of society.

Anyway, that's typically my argument when someone brings up the inability to punish someone because they 'technically' aren't responsible. Responsibility is beside the point.

Besides, everyone knows that I'm the only one with REAL free will. Because I'm smarter then everyone *nods* Uh huh, yup.

Er... no wait.. I'm actually a big fucking moron so strike that.

Hate and buttercups,


P.S. Blaise, I hope you don't mind that I'm basically bastardizing and mocking your sign off? It's really quite charming and I can't come up with anything original so I'd just like to pervert yours, kay? Kay.

P.S.S. I sometimes make the same points, multiple times, in multiple ways, if that bothers you, suck it. 8===> O:< Oh and my grammer sucks, I know this.

P.S.S.S. Removing from before all of ' really sucks, why do you vex me, diaryland?