-- Older Entries --
02.28.2003 - I'm not dead! But yet, I am...
02.26.2003 - Mmmm.. sickness...
02.23.2003 - My body is Judas!
02.22.2003 - .... was small and fury with BIG FUCKIN TEETH!
02.21.2003 - Insignificant
02.16.2003 - Ribbet... money business!
02.14.2003 - Fred don't go like now, hates monkeys.
02.13.2003 - BAM FUCK I'M DEAD!
02.10.2003 - Filth and fury
02.09.2003 - Don't be fooled by my rocks
02.08.2003 - Do you luv chocolate?
02.08.2003 - I'll have a large order of french cries with that.
02.08.2003 - Out of reach...
02.06.2003 - The great dissapointment
02.04.2003 - Late X-mas update!
02.03.2003 - Mmmm parking garage fashion..

Archived entries -
Current Month
February, '03
January, '03
December, '02
November, '02
October, '02
September, '02
August, '02
July, '02
June, '02
May, '02
April. '02
March, '02